Thought leaders are individuals or companies who are seen as experts in their field. They regularly publish insightful content and tend to serve as key resources for people in their industry. In relation to that, thought leadership marketing is using marketing tools to position your brand as thought leaders in order to build awareness and attract more clients.
A study by LinkedIn found that thought leadership has a strong impact on driving business. Over 60% of key decision makers attributed thought leadership as their reasoning for deciding to do business with an organization, while over half of businesses use thought leadership as way to vet organizations they are considering working with. This makes it beneficial for your brand to establish itself as a thought leader in your industry.
Here are 3 strategies to boost your brand’s thought leadership marketing.
Know What Questions Your Audience is Asking
In order to be an expert in the eyes of your audience, you need to know what information your audience is seeking. You need to have a good idea of their needs and interests in order to generate content that is relevant to them. In addition, you need to be up to date with current events and trends occurring in your industry.
From an SEO standpoint, you want to know what keywords and phrases your audience is searching. You will want your website to rank highly when people search these keywords and have content that addresses important industry topics.
Optimize Your Social Media Presence
Social media platforms are important for thought leadership marketing for two key reasons. The first and most obvious reason, is that it gives you channels to promote your content, such as your blog posts, podcasts, speaking events, and publications.
The second reason has to do with engagement. Through your social media accounts you are able to enter online discourse and debates that are taking place. You can comment on posts about news articles, hot industry topics, and in groups with a focus in your field of expertise.
As you build your social media following and share your thoughts in relevant spaces, the more likely people will turn to you as a source of information and view you as a thought leader.
Collaborate With Other Thought Leaders Through Guest Blogging
Simply put, guest blogging is when someone outside of your organization is invited to write a blog post on your website. Guest blogging is a great way to connect with other thought leaders and enhance your reputation in the thought leadership community of your industry.
Whether you are inviting someone to be a guest blogger or are the one being invited to be a guest blogger yourself, you are expanding your reach by tapping into the audience of the brand or individual you are working with. As you associate yourself with more thought leaders, your audience will not only grow, but the experience of working with other knowledgeable individuals/brands will help you generate new ideas and perspectives for your own content.
Thought leadership marketing takes more than just being an expert in your field. You need a marketing strategy that will leverage your expertise and experience in order to position your brand as thought leaders for your industry.
If you need help developing your thought leadership marketing strategy, contact us using the form below.
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